Indoor Worship
at Lowe’s Grove Middle School
Join us inside this Sunday!
10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Lowe’s Grove Middle School – Cafeteria
4418 S Alston Ave, Durham, NC 27713

We are excited to meet inside this Sunday!
We’re meeting at 10:00 a.m. at Lowe’s Grove Middle School at 4418 S Alston Ave, Durham, NC 27713. You can still access our song lyrics here.
We will continue to provide our service livestream on YouTube at 9:00 a.m., but we also encourage you to gather with us in person if you are able.
Read on for:
- Things to Know
- What to bring
Things to know
Here are some things we have put in place for your convenience:
- We are offering a paperless worship service — offering plates will not be passed (you can give online, and you can access the song lyrics and sermon passage at
- We are meeting in a cafeteria that has bench seats and tables, so food and drinks are welcome in our service.
- A smile 🙂
- For those with young kids (over 3yr), you may want to bring activities for them to do while sitting with you in the service.
- If you have children 2yr and under there will be a safe space for children to play with other kids under adult supervision.
- A Bible and your preferred note-taking tools
Please reach out to us at with any questions, and we look forward to worshiping with you, inside or online, this coming Sunday!
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. —2 Corinthians 13:14