South Durham Church is congregational and led by a plurality of elders. The leadership roles in the church include elders, deacons, ministry team leaders, and staff.

Aaron Mattern, Elder
Aaron grew up in Virginia and North Carolina. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he spent a number of years in the workplace before the Lord led him to study theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned an MDIV and then entered full-time ministry. He loves God, people, and sports (both to watch and play), in that order. He’s a fan of the Raiders and UNC basketball. He and his wife, Gwendolyn, have five children: Hayden, Isaac, Olivia, Levi, and Evan.

Gene Urrutia, Elder
Gene grew up in Ohio and came to NC to attend Duke U. where he was discipled with the Navigators and shortly thereafter accepted Jesus as his only salvation. Gene is passionate about listening and empowering others so that their voices can be heard, and discipling others to hear God’s voice through bible study and prayer. A PhD in data scientist, Gene leads innovative teams of scientists and health care professionals that transform big health data into insights that help patients recover faster. At home, Gene and his wife Rachel raise their quiver of 3 boys Isaiah, Lucas and Simon.

Aaron Mattern, Pastor
Aaron grew up in Virginia and North Carolina. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, he spent a number of years in the workplace before the Lord led him to study theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned an MDIV and then entered full-time ministry. He loves God, people, and sports (both to watch and play), in that order. He’s a fan of the Raiders and UNC basketball. He and his wife, Gwendolyn, have five children: Hayden, Isaac, Olivia, Levi, and Evan.

April Young, Office Manager
April grew up outside of Atlanta, earned her B.A. from the University of Georgia, and moved to Durham to attend Duke University, where she earned her M.A. in Political Science. She is an avid reader of all kinds of books, loves good TV and movies, and is passionate about the Bible and memorizing Scripture.
Deacons / Ministry Team Leaders

Gene Urrutia, Audio/Visual
Gene grew up in Ohio and came to NC to attend Duke U. where he was discipled with the Navigators and shortly thereafter accepted Jesus as his only salvation. Gene is passionate about listening and empowering others so that their voices can be heard, and discipling others to hear God’s voice through bible study and prayer. A PhD in data scientist, Gene leads innovative teams of scientists and health care professionals that transform big health data into insights that help patients recover faster. At home, Gene and his wife Rachel raise their quiver of 3 boys Isaiah, Lucas and Simon.

Rachel Urrutia, SoDu Kids Minstry
Dr. Rachel Urrutia is board certified in both obstetrics and gynecology and preventive medicine. She is passionate about getting community members, particularly those in marginalized groups engaged with research and quality improvement. She has also conducted independent research focusing on Fertility Awareness Based Methods of family planning as well as in using women’s preventive visits as opportunities to improve overall health. At home, Rachel and her husband Gene raise their quiver of 3 boys Isaiah, Lucas and Simon.