Outdoor Worship
Join us outside or in your car Sundays!
9:00 – 10:15 a.m.
Lowe’s Grove Baptist Church
4430 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713
We are excited to meet together this Sunday outdoors!
We’re meeting at 9:00 a.m. under the shelter and in the parking lot at Lowe’s Grove Baptist Church at 4430 S. Alston Ave, Durham, NC 27713. If you plan on staying in your vehicle, tune your radio to 90.3 FM, and access song lyrics here.
We will continue to post our service video live on YouTube and post a link on Facebook at 9:00 a.m., and we encourage you to participate in the gathering of the church if you are able.
Read on for:
- What to Expect
- What to Bring
What to Expect
It will be a joy to come together.
Here are some things to know about our worship service:
- We are offering a completely touchless worship service — offering plates will not be passed but you can give online, Communion will be served in pre-packaged containers when we have it, and paper bulletins will not be distributed (you’ll access the song lyrics at southdurham.org/lyrics)
- Please use designated parking spaces. A special section of parking will be marked off with signs for those who will stay in their vehicles.
- Chair(s) and/or a blanket. (Some benches will be available.)
- Drinks & snacks, or even breakfast!
- For those of you with kids: fun activities for them.
- A Bible and some way to take notes
- Optional: an umbrella or something for shade, sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen
Please reach out to us at office@southdurham.org with any questions, and we look forward to worshiping with you, outside or online, this coming Sunday!
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. —2 Corinthians 13:14