Coronavirus Update — March 19
Church family,
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” —Lamentations 3:23
In these uncertain times, God the Lord remains unchanged. Jesus Christ still reigns at His Father’s side. And we, his people by grace, are still his beloved. “In this world, you will have trouble,” Jesus promised us, “but take heart: I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
To everyone who joined in on Facebook Live last Sunday, thank you! It was a great encouragement to see you there and see what songs you are singing to the Lord these days.
Here are the latest updates as we continue to walk together through these strange days.
Our Sunday Gathering is Cancelled Until Further Notice
We know the great importance of gathered worship (Hebrews 10:24–25), and yet we continue believe this decision is best in keeping with the commands to love our neighbor as ourselves and to honor those God has placed in authority over us. We intend to resume meeting together as soon as possible and will continue to monitor the advice of the relevant public health authorities.
Join Us On on Facebook, Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Each Sunday, we will go live on our Facebook page with a video message to help us stay connected and growing together in our walk with Christ. If you can’t join us at that time, you’ll be able to find and comment on the video afterwards on our Facebook page or YouTube channel. We are working on getting worship music to you, too, so that we can keep praising the Lord together in singing.
Staying Connected Digitally
Community Groups, SoDu Youth, and the Men’s Bible Study will be meeting online via Zoom, Skype, or other videoconferencing tools. Look for further communication from your group leader for details. We will also continue to communicate with you through this weekly email, videos on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, and on Slack.
Caring for Each Other
If you have a need—for prayer, for groceries, for whatever—and you don’t know who to ask, please post it to the #prayer, #general, or your Community Group channel in Slack. Let’s continue to be praying for one another and reaching out to each other as the Holy Spirit leads us.
Elementary Parents
Parents, we want to provide resources for you to be able to continue teaching your children about God at home. Beginning today, you can download the current week’s lesson from The Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum at Please take some time each weekend to walk through this lesson with your child(ren). The lessons there will be updated by Wednesday each week. Reach out to Ann, Gwendolyn, or Aaron if you have any questions.
Continuing to Give
Online giving is available for both our regular budget and the special offering we are collecting this month for the Benevolence Fund.
Serving Others’ Needs
Let’s keep checking in on our neighbors. Continue in prayer and, as God opens the door, share the hope you have in Jesus with someone who is anxious, afraid, or in need. If someone you know needs help that you can’t provide, please tell us — with their permission — on Slack or in an email to so that we can try to meet their need.
Jesus said, “And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried. For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you,” Luke 12:29–31.
Following Christ with you in this,
Greg, Donnie, and Adam
South Durham Church